A degree is an opportunity to do a great deal more than just study a subject.
Work experience

Whether it is two weeks with a bank, a year with a stockbroker, or every Wednesday afternoon with an accountant, any work experience is invaluable. First and foremost it provides you with some idea of what you do and don’t enjoy – when choosing a career path, this will be priceless. Secondly, it gives you (and your CV) an edge over others – experience, skills, transferability etc. And thirdly, in some cases, it will provide you with that little extra bit of money. Trust me, you will appreciate this!
Work experience (or placements or internships) can be organised in many different ways. Your university may offer you a placement year- a year out in the world of (paid) work. Or, if not, you can seek an internship or placement in the holidays. Some internships are not paid but, with the right employer, the experience you gain is invaluable. Or you may opt for weekly work experience in the form of a relevant part-time job.
If you are interested in reading more about work experience, visit our sister site Study Economics.
At all universities, there are hundreds of clubs and societies. A club is usually a sports club – e.g. football or ultimate Frisbee – whilst a society is a group who have similar interests, such as Real Ale or Amnesty International. Lots of universities have an Economics Society that provides an opportunity to chat to lots of different people about economics, attend presentations from firms and to go on trips.
Of course, you might be interested in other societies and clubs apart from Economics – they provide a brilliant opportunity to meet lots of different people with similar interests. Study Economics has more information.