Eoghan Beamish was an Undergraduate student at the University of Bristol, who undertook a placement at the Economics Network and maintained the Studying Economics site as well as this one.

Richard Wood Power was another one of our Economics Network’s 2011/12 placement students, doing an MSc. in Economics and Finance at the University of Bristol. He worked on both Why Study Economics and Studying Economics websites.

John Sloman was both a principal lecturer and Head of School of the School of Economics at the University of the West of England. He is a visiting fellow of the Economics Network and author of a number of economics textbooks. His teaching interests vary from the Economics of Developing Countries to Managerial and Business Economics.

Rebecca Taylor is a senior lecturer in Economics at Nottingham Trent University. Her research interests include International Trade/Development and Developments in Education. She has authored two of the teaching and learning guides (Designing Undergraduate Degree Programmes and Seminars & Tutorials) in The Handbook for Economics Lecturers. She is the co-author of the textbook Mathematics for Economics and Business (McGraw-Hill).

Peter Smith is an Emeritus Professorial Fellow in Economics at the University of Southampton. He is also editor of the Economic Review, a leading magazine written especially for sixth-form economics students.
The photos came from crystaljingsr on Flickr.